The C word…Christmas (Part 2)

School and Christmas. A tricky balance, but one that is vital to get right. I have had countless conversations with parents and teachers this week about an increase in behaviours. From Christmas jumper days, Christmas dinners and play rehearsals the change in routine can be challenging for children who are on the spectrum, who have ADHD or have anxiety. Here are my top tips for Christmas in the classroom: 

  1. Routine and Structure: If your afternoon is going to be dramatically different, try and keep your mornings the same. Any change in timetable simply prepare children in advance as possible with the support of you guessed it… visuals!

  2. Visuals in your classroom: Make sure a clear visual schedule is available for all children to see to help prepare for what is to come.

  3. Now, next and then boards: These are fantastic for children who find things a bit trickier to break up things into small and manageable chunks (see free resource below)

  4. Classroom decorations: Remember sensory overload can lead to meltdowns and a discharge of behaviours. So please check how you are decorating your classroom for Christmas (nothing hanging from your ceiling or flashing lights please!

Christmas does not have to be cancelled and I encourage all the Christmas fun!! Just consider those who might find it a bit tricky and help them by following these simple steps - it will lead to enjoyment for both them and you! 

Visuals created in, Copyright Widgit Symbols, Widgit Software 2002-2021

Classroom in school symbols

Now, Next, Then board


The C word… Christmas (Part 3)


The C word…Christmas (Part 1)